Available for discounted Pre-Order now!
Coming soon...
.Module 1: Let’s start budgeting and why do you need one.
- Learn my simple method of budgeting. All you need is Excel or Google sheet!
- you will be asked a list of questions to uncover where your mindset came from and if it serves you or not, and how to reframe it.
- uncover your patterns.
- let’s go over affirmations and how it helps you break through your limiting beliefs around money.
- different types of debts and how to tackle them.
- credit cards, student loans, mortgages.
- what’s my opinion on having a mortgage?
- should I pay off the mortgage or not?
- using debit vs. credit - pros and cons of each. Which one is a better fit for you?
- what are considered assets?
- calculating your net worth. What is this number?
- what is a credit score?
- FICO vs Vantage.
- ways you can improve.
- why is this important?
- how to read your credit report using CreditKarma.
- What are ETF, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement target funds?
- How to research and read them.
- Asset allocation and diversification.
- Crypto - my feelings around it and why I don’t invest in it, and why I stick to “traditional” investing.
- College funding - my philosophy around this.
- Trad vs. Roth, 401K vs. IRA?
- Backdoor Roth conversion - what is it and how to do it the right way.
- How I did my retirement planning. I’ll show you how to do it with a simple excel (or Google sheet if you don’t have Excel).
- When can I retire? That depends on a lot of things; we will explore that here.
- HSA - what is this and how you can use this as part of your retirement planning.
- Pension.
- Home insurance
- Car insurance
- Pet insurance
- Life insurance
- Update your beneficiaries!
- When and how to start talking about money when dating.
- Importance of financial compatibility.
- Prenup.
- How does the tax bracket work, how to research?
- Connect your paycheck to your tax return so you won’t owe money.
- Looking closely at your paycheck. There's a lot of information there.
PLUS half an hour of complimentary coaching after you complete the course! A $175 value!
Introductory price is only $97 (regular price would be $197 minimum after promotional time period end)
You can order now and get started while the modules are being completed....
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