Do you feel that you deserve to be successful?
This past week there’s a theme among my clients who are struggling with their finances.
You get to the point where there’s only so much you can cut down from your budget unless you want to make drastic lifestyle changes but most people aren’t ready right away.
So the next thing we work on is to figure out how to make more money.
This is where we find out their core deep issues.
A common theme among my clients is that they don’t feel they deserve to be successful or they’re not worthy of it.
Unfortunately, you get what you believe in.
Too many put an invisible glass ceiling due to their limiting beliefs that they don’t deserve to make more, that making more money is like taking away from someone else.
Due to these beliefs, you stay where you are at until you heal and work through those money traumas so you can transform your relationship with money.
Most come from their childhood that they’re not aware of. Part of the work we do is going through their money history to identify where did the core defeating money scripts and belief came from.
Then we can start our real work from there.
The first step to healing is awareness. You can do all the practical work you want but if you don’t deal with your emotional issues, it won’t last.
And this is not something you can just google away. 😊
Christine Teh is a personal finance coach who lives in Silicon Valley and serve clients virtually. She also offers tax preparation and consulting services and LinkedIn coaching as well.
Schedule a complimentary chat now to see if her financial coaching services are right for you!